ExportGeometry on ExportWebRequestModel to Be Obsolete


In an earlier announcement titled Removal of Item Title, Subtitle and Geometry properties (Phase 2), users were advised to update export AQS query to return the above attributes if they need them for their exported items. As part of these changes, we are making the ExportGeometry option obsolete as this can now be specified through the inclusion/omission of the geometry attribute in the query. 

Who will this affect?

Users querying the data with geometry via the API will be affected by the change.


We are now making ExportGeometry optional and obsolete on the ExportWebRequestModel and it will be removed in due course in favour of requesting attributes_itemsGeometry as part of the export AQS attributes.

Expected Release Date

October 29th 2020

API Rate Limiting


In order to better manage the levels of inbound requests to the API, we will be enabling Rate Limiting on all endpoints. This change is aimed at preventing all system users from being impacted by excessively high activity levels of a single user and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks.  

Who will be affected?

The defined rate limit will only affect API users making a considerably high number of calls for a sustained period. The rate has been set at a level that will not impact users using the API at reasonable activity levels or short bursts of high activity.


Sustained calls (monitored daily) of over 100 requests per minute on any endpoint will result in the corresponding API key being disabled. Where possible, we will notify API key owners before disabling, however we reserve the right to act without notice in order to maintain accessibility of the service for other users. 

We advise API users to review their usage prior to this change to avoid any service disruption.  

Any disabled key may be re-enabled via contacting the Support team and only once the cause of the high number of requests has been rectified. 

Expected Release Date

27th August 2020