A few end-of-year notices...
As we reach the end of 2024, there's a few things we want to let you know about before the holidays start.
API authentication deprecation 🌇
Back in July, we announced that Alloy's API authentication will only accept bearer tokens starting from next year. Therefore, this is one last reminder that token headers and token URL parameters will no longer work as of early January 2025.
If you haven't already, please update any integrations or tools you use accordingly!
Mobile developer account transfer 📲
As part of some new year housekeeping, we'll be transferring ownership of the Alloy Mobile app to new Causeway developer accounts on both the App Store and Google Play Store.
Don't worry, this won't affect Alloy Mobile's availability on either store! You won't need to reinstall the app and any unsynced data should be unaffected.
However, there may be some minor side effects:
- If you use your fingerprint to sign in, or rely on saved passwords, you may need enter your account details again.
- You may need to re-grant permission for Alloy Mobile to access your device's camera, gallery and location.
The developer transfer will be performed in January 2025. In the unlikely event that this causes any issues, please contact Support for assistance.
Alloy Mobile iOS map behaviour 🗺️
We will be improving the behaviour of the map in Alloy Mobile iOS:
- When selecting an item, the transition will be smoothly animated instead of abruptly jumping to the item.
- Selecting any part of an item's geometry will select the item. The map will pan and zoom so that the item's entire geometry is visible.
- With an item selected, selecting a marker on that item will zoom the map to that marker.
- If multiple item geometries overlap a location, selecting that location will cycle through those items.
Nothing too drastic but just so you know what to expect! These changes will be implemented in Alloy Mobile v2.66 on 9th January 2025. If you experience any issues with the new behaviour, please contact Support.