Option for Export Geometry Projection


We are adding an new option to the data Export endpoint which allow you to specify the projection to be used for Geometry data by providing the Proj4 string to use to convert over from WGS84 (Lat-Long)

Who does this affect?

This change will affect API users of the Export endpoint but will not modify the existing behaviour if the optional setting is not provided. 


The following endpoint:

POST /api/export 

now accepts an optional string proj4 that may be used to convert geometry coordinates into the spatial reference system of your choice. This mirrors the optional Proj4 setting used during import.

Without the proj4 string, geometry is exported in WGS84 (Longitude, Latitude) coordinates.

There is a database of PROJ4 strings available for searching here https://epsg.io/

For example, for the UK British National Grid system, the Proj4 string is

+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs

Expected Release Date

13th January 2022

Export Data to ESRI SHP Files


We are adding a new option to the Data Export endpoint which allow you to set the export format to ESRI SHP (Shape) file instead of the standard CSV export. 

Who does this affect?

This change will affect API users of the Export endpoint who require ESRI shape file output. 


The following endpoint:

POST /api/export 

can now be used to specify the export type as ESRI SHP. Note that due to length constraints in the SHP format for field data, attributes values may be truncated in the exported files.

The endpoint now accepts two different request models:

ShapefileExportWebRequestModel requests made with this model will return files as SHP.

CsvExportWebRequestModel requests made with this model will return data as a CSV.

Both these models extend the ExportWebRequestModelBase model.

Note the the SHP format consists of multiple (3) files that will be returned on the Export File endpoint as a zipped bundle. 

GET /api/export/{id}/file

Expected Release Date

13th January 2022

Change to AQS Query Results Display in Custom Reports


We are making a temporary change to the behaviour of how the results from an AQS Query Data Source are displayed in custom reports. This change will affect the display in controls when linking to multiple items to make this work consistently across all attribute types.

This change is being made to prevent report generation from failing under certain conditions described below.

Who will this affect?

This change will affect anyone using the AQS Query Data source with join attributes within the Report Builder to build custom reports.

Given the specific nature of this change, we do not expect it to widely affect users. However, if you notice that this change has had an adverse affect on the output in your reports, please do contact our support team.



Previously, when an AQS Query resulted in multiple matched items for join attributes, this would be displayed as X Items into the resulting table cell in the report. However, since all entries in a table column must be of the same type, this would only work for String attributes (since the entry X Items is also a String) and would result in an error for other attribute types with the report failing to generate. 

From now on, resulting cells will show a single item attribute result, similar to the current behaviour of the single join result. If multiple values are matched, only the first attribute of the first item will be displayed. 


Let's assume there is a project containing 4 job tasks. If the user would create a custom report using an AQS Query data source rooted on Projects and linking to Jobs via the Tasks Attribute (Project DS -> Tasks to Jobs DS -> Title). If a Table control was then added to the layout based on this data source, the display of the data in this table will change following this change. 

Before Change

Previously, the table would have shown 4 Items in the joined Tasks and Title column.

After Change

However, from now on this would display one of the job titles e.g. JOB-9.


If you would like to continue using this aggregation, this can be achieved by using a Join Data source rather than an AQS Query Data source.

Expected Release Date

30th September 2021

Item Level Count Is Now Supported by AQS Expressions


AQS expressions now support the ability to run queries with conditions on an item level count.

Who will be affected?

All existing users will be able to take advantage of this feature through the newly added AQS Count node.


An item level count allows to have a condition on the number of items connected through a link attribute being equal, greater than, etc. to the value of another attribute on the same item.

Example Use Case

As an example, we can consider a query that wants to fetch the title and subtitle of all projects that are over capacity. That is all projects that have a number of tasks greater than or equal to their capacity, contained in attribute attributes_projectsCapacity_60464441c14e5d000ad7e47.

  "type": "Query",
  "properties": {
    "attributes": [
    "collectionCode": [
    "dodiCode": "designs_projects"
  "children": [
      "type": "GreaterThan",
      "properties": {
        "inclusive": true
      "children": [
          "type": "Count",
          "properties": {
            "groupBy": "attributes_projectsTasks"
          "type": "Attribute",
          "properties": {
            "attributeCode": "attributes_projectsCapacity_60464441c14e5d000ad7e479"

Prior to this change, users could only compare a count node against a static Number node.

Expected Release Date

June 24th 2021