Removal of Item Versioning


Due to a technical error, this post is being announced after the changes in Phase 1 were issued. 


When first designing Alloy, we anticipated the need for an item setting that would allow versioning. With this setting enabled, each change to the item would create a new version of the item with only the most recent item being visible in the application. While we still believe this function may hold value in the future, maintaining the feature in the application offers very little benefit over the item audit logs. Instead, the item versions consume storage space unnecessarily when enabled on designs. 

We have therefore taken the decision to remove item versioning for the time being. 

Who will this affect?

The change to remove item versioning will not impact the functionality within the system and is being made to improve performance for customers with large numbers of items. 

This work will mark the properties and endpoints marked as Obsolete to be removed at a later date. If this can cause a problem for API users, we urge you to take action during the time provided before removal as any integrations relying on obsolete properties may cease to function.  

Phase 1


Both DesignWebModel and DesignInterfaceWebModel will not have the versioned property being returned anymore. It was already advertised as optional in the response and it is thus not meant to cause any problem.

The start and end properties ofItemWebModel and ReconstructedItemWebModel are now obsolete and will always return respectively 0000-01-01T00:00:00Z and 9999-12-31T12:59:59Z.

The DesignEditWebRequestModel and DesignCreateWebRequestModel will not accept the versioned property anymore. If the property is passed, it will be ignored.

The ReconstructedItemDeltaWebModel optional properties start and end will not be returned anymore.

The GET api/item-version/{itemId} and the GET api/item-version/item/{id} are now obsolete and will be removed as part of phase 2.

Phase 2

The start and end properties of ItemWebModeland ReconstructedItemWebModel  that were obsoleted during phase 1 will be removed.

The GET api/item-version/{itemId} and the GET api/item-version/item/{id} that were obsoleted during phase 1 will be removed.

Phase 1 Expected Release Date

3rd September 2021

Phase 2 Expected Release Date

March 2022

Items now have the Context property


Due to a technical error, this post is being announced after the changes were issued. 


We have added a Context property to Alloy items and it will now be visible as part of all calls that get or list items.

Users will not be able to edit or delete system items, those with Core and Module context property.

This is to avoid any issues where items that Alloy expects to be present, are unexpectedly removed.

Who will this Affect?

This change will affect users who access items via the API or manage integrations.


Example of GET /api/item/{id} for working days Core item

  "item": {
    "itemId": "5c800cc32d14711a9cc642f4",
    "designCode": "designs_workingDays",
    "collection": "Live",
    "context": "Core",
    "attributes": [...]

There has been no change in terms of item creation and users cannot pass an item context on items create or edit. All user-created items will automatically have context set to Customer

For example, creating holidays item via POST /api/item

  "designCode": "designs_holidays",
  "collection": "Live", 
  "attributes": [
      "attributeCode": "attributes_holidaysName",
      "value": "May holiday"
      "attributeCode": "attributes_holidaysStartDate",
      "value": "2021-05-03"
  "locked": false

Will return response that includes "context": "Customer"

  "item": {
    "itemId": "607d5420959e583ad874fc58",
    "designCode": "designs_holidays",
    "collection": "Live",
    "locked": false,
    "context": "Customer",
    "attributes": [...],
    "signature": "607d5421959e583ad874fc5d"

System items delete and edit is forbidden

When trying to delete or edit system items, the API will now respond with a 403Forbidden response, e.g. for working days standard item 5c800cc32d14711a9cc642f4 as above swagger responses are as follows.

Expected Release Date

3rd September 2021

Passwords to Require at Least One Special Character


We are making a change to the password policy to ensure at least one special character is present when setting an Alloy password. This will increase password complexity in order to prevent unauthorised access to your Alloy account.

Who will this affect?

Current passwords will remain valid even if they do not contain a special character, so this won't impact existing users immediately after release.

However, this will apply to existing users when they change or reset their passwords. The change will also affect new users setting up an Alloy account for the first time.


New user passwords, and existing users changing or resetting passwords, will need to include at least one special character. A special character is a character that is not an alphabetic or numeric character, e.g. @&*[].

Expected Release Date

28th October 2021

Alloy API now OpenAPI 3.0 Compliant


We are making changes to some of our endpoints in order to become fully OpenAPI 3.0 compliant. Additionally, we will be adding Redoc under the /docs path to provide an even easier way of navigating our API definition and explore models that use discriminators.

Who will this affect?

There are several changes to various endpoints as detailed below. None of these changes are expected to be a breaking change and the current method of calling these endpoints will remain compatible.

There will however be a Phase 2 of this work in which we will remove any obsolete endpoints and properties. API users should complete any transition to the new endpoints before the Phase 2 date to avoid issues.


Delete Endpoints

The following endpoints will change to have a query parameter named signature to pass the signature. Passing the signature in the body will be obsoleted and removed in Phase 2:

DELETE api/access-policy/{code}/rule/{id}
DELETE api/custom-report/{customReportCode}/data-source/{code}
DELETE api/custom-report/{customReportCode}/document-definition/{id}
DELETE api/design/{code}/attribute/{attributeCode}
DELETE api/design/{code}/interface/{interfaceCode}
DELETE api/workflow-action-group/{code}/action/{id}
DELETE api/workflow/{code}/action/{id}

User Group Endpoints

There are 2 new user group endpoints to add and remove users from a user group:

POST api/user-group/user/add
POST api/user-group/user/remove

The following two (current) endpoints will be marked obsolete and removed in Phase 2; note, these will no longer be visible through the swagger documentation.

POST api/user-group/user
DELETE api/user-group/user

Role User Endpoints

There are 2 new role endpoints to add and remove users from a role:

POST api/role/user/add
POST api/role/user/remove

The following two (current) endpoints will be marked obsolete and removed in Phase 2; note, these will no longer be visible through the swagger documentation. 

POST api/role/user
DELETE api/role/user

Role Group Endpoints

There are 2 new role endpoints to add and remove groups from a role:

POST api/role/group/add
POST api/role/group/remove

The following two (current) endpoints will be marked obsolete and removed in Phase 2; note, these will no longer be visible through the swagger documentation. 

POST api/role/group
DELETE api/role/group

Expected Release Dates

Phase 1 : 29th September 2021

Phase 2 : 31st March 2022

API Rate Limiting Responses


As part of our ongoing work to provide more detailed messaging from our API, we will be updating our responses to contain information regarding how close the caller is to reaching this limit in response headers.

Who will this affect?

This change will only affect users that are likely to exceed the API rate limit by providing them with greater feedback when this may occur. 


As described in a previous post, our API will limit the number of calls that a user can make in line with our rate limiting policy.

We will be updating our responses to contain information regarding how close the API caller is to reaching this limit in response headers, for example:

X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 99
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 2021-03-16T11:08:08.0232125Z

This message informs you that if you make more than another 99 requests before the specified time, you will be subject to rate-limiting.  When the limit is exceeded, requests will then fail with HTTP 429, and there will be a response header letting you know how many seconds to wait until you will again be able to make requests, for example:

Retry-After: 15

Note that these are the standard headers recognised for HTTP rate limiting.

Expected Release Date

July 29th 2021

Item Level Count Is Now Supported by AQS Expressions


AQS expressions now support the ability to run queries with conditions on an item level count.

Who will be affected?

All existing users will be able to take advantage of this feature through the newly added AQS Count node.


An item level count allows to have a condition on the number of items connected through a link attribute being equal, greater than, etc. to the value of another attribute on the same item.

Example Use Case

As an example, we can consider a query that wants to fetch the title and subtitle of all projects that are over capacity. That is all projects that have a number of tasks greater than or equal to their capacity, contained in attribute attributes_projectsCapacity_60464441c14e5d000ad7e47.

  "type": "Query",
  "properties": {
    "attributes": [
    "collectionCode": [
    "dodiCode": "designs_projects"
  "children": [
      "type": "GreaterThan",
      "properties": {
        "inclusive": true
      "children": [
          "type": "Count",
          "properties": {
            "groupBy": "attributes_projectsTasks"
          "type": "Attribute",
          "properties": {
            "attributeCode": "attributes_projectsCapacity_60464441c14e5d000ad7e479"

Prior to this change, users could only compare a count node against a static Number node.

Expected Release Date

June 24th 2021

Removal of DoDI Obsolete Properties


As previously announced in Design Properties to Be Supported on Design Interfaces published on 03/08/2020, we are now implementing Phase 2 where obsolete properties are to be removed.

Please note that there will be a final Phase 3 to remove service code that exists to support backward compatibility, as described below.

Who will this affect?

This change will affect all integrations that have not been updated in line with the previously announced changes. Any integration relying on obsolete properties may cease to function.  


Both Design and DesignInterface Web Models will no longer return title and subtitle string properties, rather just their DoDI equivalents dodiTitle and  dodiSubtitle with parent information. Similarly DesignWebModel will no longer return old properties named colour, icon, versioned, geometry and collections and their DoDI counterparts should be used instead.  

Following this change, the Design response will look as follows:

    "design": {
        "name": "Design Name",
        "code": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e",
        "context": "Customer",
        "implements": [{
                "code": "designInterfaces_items",
                "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"
            }, {
                "code": "designInterfaces_interfaceForImplements",
                "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"
        "attributes": [...],
        "metadata": {...},
        "dodiTitle": {
            "value": "Design Title",
            "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"
        "dodiSubtitle": {
            "value": "Interface Subtitle",
            "parent": "designInterfaces_interfaceForImplements"
        "dodiColour": {
          "value": "#3d8fbd",
          "parent": "engine_defaultedProperties"
        "dodiIcon": {
            "value": "icon-edited",
            "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"
        "dodiVersioned": {
            "value": true,
            "parent": "designInterfaces_interfaceForImplements"
        "geometryRequired": {
            "value": false,
            "parent": "engine_defaultedProperties"
        "geometryAllows": {
            "values": [
            "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"
        "dodiCollections": {
            "values": [
            "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"
        "discriminator": "DesignWebModel"
    "operationsSummary": {...}


Obsolete design geometry will be removed in favour ogeometryRequired and geometryAllows properties introduced during Phase 1.

Phase 3 changes

At the moment service code does not apply changes to the design if it detects that value passed in is same as old value that comes from inheritance chain (implements or defaults). For the above design example this means if the edit is called with new subtitle being "Interface Subtitle" or colour "#3d8fbd", no parent change would be applied and returned designs will still come back with the same parents.

"dodiSubtitle": {
    "value": "Interface Subtitle",
    "parent": "designInterfaces_interfaceForImplements"
"dodiColour": {
  "value": "#3d8fbd",
  "parent": "engine_defaultedProperties"

However, after Phase 3 we will remove extra checks in the service and any property set on DesignEditWebRequestModel will use the edited design code as it's parent i.e. the above edit will result in parent change on retuned DoDI properties.

"dodiSubtitle": {
    "value": "Interface Subtitle",
    "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"
"dodiColour": {
  "value": "#3d8fbd",
  "parent": "designs_designName_600aceb294eba00ddc382a9e"

After Phase 3 is implemented, it will be caller's responsibility to check parent properties and not send properties that they do not want to set directly on the edited design i.e. if above parent change was not intended DesignEditWebRequestModel would be called with NULL subtitle and colour, which would ensure that returned value is calculated from the inheritance chain or defaulted.

Phase 2 Expected Release Date

March 25th 2021 

Phase 3 Expected Release Date

August 26th 2021

File Upload and Download Forbid Certain Extensions


To improve security, we will be making changes to restrict the types of files that can be uploaded and downloaded via the API based on the extension.

Who will this affect?

This will affect anyone uploading files to or downloading files from Alloy that have extensions that could be deemed to be executables. 


The Alloy API for file upload and download will restrict certain file extensions for security reasons. The list includes ".exe", ".bat", ".com" among others.

The list mirrors the extensions forbidden by Microsoft Outlook, see here for the full list of forbidden extensions.

Expected Release Date

February 25th 2021

Extended Web API changes for Financial Accounts


As part of the work for the new Financial Accounts module, we are making changes to Extended Web API endpoints and logic to support Job Bill Items and Supplier/Customer Accounts.

Who is affected?

Users of Extended Web API who are using Work Item and Job Work Item endpoints.

This change is planned to roll out in two phases. This phase introduces new Extended Web API endpoints and marks old as obsolete, while the second phase will remove them.


All Work Item and Job Work Item endpoints are now marked as obsolete i.e. routes starting with api/work-item or api/job-work-item

Job Work Units

For create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations on Job Work Units (Job Work Items or Job Bill Items) callers should start using new Job Work Unit endpoints, starting with the api/job-work-unit route.

Work Items

The old Work Item endpoints are split into two routes: Work Unit api/work-unit and Change Component Work Item api/change-component-work-item. The first endpoint deals with applicable Design and Design Interfaces (DoDIs) for all Work Units (Work Items and Bill Items), while the second one handles applicable component DoDIs specifically for Change Component Work Items (i.e. items belonging to designs_changeComponentWorkItems).

Job Edit

As part of this change, the job edit endpoint now also handles Job Bill Items cost re-calculation when the parent asset item is set, changed, unset or the job status is changed to Completed. Please note that it is important to use the Extended Web API job edit endpoint api/job/{id} to alter the relationship between job and it's parent asset item, otherwise the cost calculation for Job Work Units will not be applied.

Budget Summary

The Budget summary endpoint api/budget/{id}/summary now returns extra results for each of BudgetPeriodJobCostsWebModel with information about the BillsPerJobStatuses in addition to existing CostsPerJobStatuses. Costs are calculated as before using costs of all Job Work Items for jobs that fall into specific budget period, while Bills now used the same logic but are using costs of Job Bill Items on jobs in budget periods.

Team Pricing to Account Pricing

As part of Finance Module, Team Pricing will become Account Pricing with all teams linked to an account sharing the pricing structure. Users should move any pricing data linked to a Team via attributes_teamsPricingTeamPricing to a supplier account (designs_supplierAccounts) using the attributes_financialAccountsPricing link instead as we plan on removing the link from Teams to Team pricing in due course.

The Extended API will first check for rates using Account Pricing  attributes_financialAccountsPricing but will continue to support cost calculation via attributes_teamsPricingTeamPricing when no account pricing is available for the time being. 

Additionally, all work items will now temporarily have two pricing attributes, the previous attributes_workItemsTeamPricing and a new link via work units pricing interface attributes_workUnitPricingPricing. Again, the Extended API code will first check for rates using the Work Unit pricing before falling back to the previous Work Item link. The Work Item link will also be removed once users have had opportunity to migrate their data. 

Expected Release Date

October 29th 2020

ExportGeometry on ExportWebRequestModel to Be Obsolete


In an earlier announcement titled Removal of Item Title, Subtitle and Geometry properties (Phase 2), users were advised to update export AQS query to return the above attributes if they need them for their exported items. As part of these changes, we are making the ExportGeometry option obsolete as this can now be specified through the inclusion/omission of the geometry attribute in the query. 

Who will this affect?

Users querying the data with geometry via the API will be affected by the change.


We are now making ExportGeometry optional and obsolete on the ExportWebRequestModel and it will be removed in due course in favour of requesting attributes_itemsGeometry as part of the export AQS attributes.

Expected Release Date

October 29th 2020

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