ApplicableTypes endpoint update 🛑

The ApplicableTypes API endpoint (Swagger, ReDoc) can add and remove associations between specific activity designs and asset designs.

We’re updating this endpoint so that you can perform multiple “Applies to” operations in one go. This’ll make it possible to associate multiple work items with multiple jobs in a single API call!

However, the update will introduce a minor breaking change to prepare for.

Who will be affected?

Users and implementations that add or remove applicable types via the Alloy API.


The following endpoints have a from parameter that currently accepts a single ApplicableFromWebModelBase model:

  • Add applicable types – POST /api/applicable-type
  • Remove applicable types – DELETE /api/applicable-type

After the release date, the from parameter will require an array of ApplicableFromWebModelBase models, even if you’re only supplying one.

Expected release

25th July 2024 as part of the Alloy v2.61 release.

AQS Join Query Improvement ↔️

We’re updating the behaviour of AQS Join queries to ensure that all join attributes are exported correctly in a particular scenario.

This will change the output of the Export API endpoint for some AQS Join queries. However, rest assured that none of your saved queries will be affected!

Who will be affected?

Anyone who uses:

  • the Data Explorer’s export feature in Alloy Web
  • the Export API endpoint


The change will only affect AQS Join queries where all the following are true:

  • the queried design contains a Link attribute to an interface
  • the query includes a join attribute from the interface
  • the query includes one or more join attributes from a child design/interface that implements the interface

Currently, in this scenario, the join attributes from the child design/interface are incorrectly included within the interface’s path group. As a result, these join attributes are omitted from the export files because their paths are invalid.

The change will correct this issue. Therefore, if you regularly export joined data, be aware that export files may start to contain attributes that were missing before.

Expected release

30th May 2024 as part of the Alloy v2.59 release.

Street Manager v4 Support 🚧


For those of you using Alloy to interact with the government's Street Manager service, an important transition is coming up.

In May 2022, the Department of Transport released v4.0 of the Street Manager API. Since then, they've continued to maintain endpoints for both v3 and v4.

While v3 isn't being decommissioned until May/June 2023, the legislative changes in v4 will come into force on 1st April 2023, effectively compelling all users to make the switch.

Therefore, we're updating Alloy to support the current v4.15 specification ahead of this deadline.

Who will be affected

This change will affect anyone using Alloy Web or Alloy Mobile to interact with the Street Manager service.


Fortunately, there are only a few changes to learn about!

New permit conditions

  • NCT09d - Changes to traffic management arrangements APPLIES TO ALL MAJOR PERMITS on Category 0, 1, and 2 streets only.
  • NCT03 – Activities ancillary to those permitted – supplementary information.

For more detail, see the Statutory guidance for highway authorities.

New Traffic Management type

A new TM Carriageway Restriction Type will be available: Temporary obstruction 15 minute delay.

Footpath Closure

A new Foothpath Closure attribute will be mandatory for all permit requests.

Emergency Contact Name and Number

New Emergency Contact Name and Emergency Contact Number attributes will be optional for most permit requests, unless the chosen Traffic Management type is Multi Way Signals or Two Way Signals.

Expected Release

30th March 2023 as part of the Alloy v2.45 release.

Geometry Import Issues


As you may be aware, we have been facing an issue with importing geometry data through the Gateway using the Alloy Web Client. Currently, when a coordinate system is selected, all rows with geometry in an import will return a warning and will not be imported correctly. This has been due to a change to a third-party service which supplies projection settings used by the Alloy Web Client.

This is an ongoing issue and has not yet been resolved, however, in an effort to allow a workaround for this issue, we have altered the coordinate system selection to display the conversion (proj4) string.


To select your data file's coordinate system, click the magnifying glass icon to bring up the picker and select from the list.

This populates the Coordinate system text box with the configuration string for your selected coordinate system. This string is currently being formed incorrectly and removing the text +type=crs at the end of the string, will resolve this import issue.

We understand that this solution is not ideal, and are working on a long-term fix, but in the meantime, we have introduced this change to allow you to continue importing your data.

Change to AQS Query Results Display in Custom Reports


We are making a temporary change to the behaviour of how the results from an AQS Query Data Source are displayed in custom reports. This change will affect the display in controls when linking to multiple items to make this work consistently across all attribute types.

This change is being made to prevent report generation from failing under certain conditions described below.

Who will this affect?

This change will affect anyone using the AQS Query Data source with join attributes within the Report Builder to build custom reports.

Given the specific nature of this change, we do not expect it to widely affect users. However, if you notice that this change has had an adverse affect on the output in your reports, please do contact our support team.



Previously, when an AQS Query resulted in multiple matched items for join attributes, this would be displayed as X Items into the resulting table cell in the report. However, since all entries in a table column must be of the same type, this would only work for String attributes (since the entry X Items is also a String) and would result in an error for other attribute types with the report failing to generate. 

From now on, resulting cells will show a single item attribute result, similar to the current behaviour of the single join result. If multiple values are matched, only the first attribute of the first item will be displayed. 


Let's assume there is a project containing 4 job tasks. If the user would create a custom report using an AQS Query data source rooted on Projects and linking to Jobs via the Tasks Attribute (Project DS -> Tasks to Jobs DS -> Title). If a Table control was then added to the layout based on this data source, the display of the data in this table will change following this change. 

Before Change

Previously, the table would have shown 4 Items in the joined Tasks and Title column.

After Change

However, from now on this would display one of the job titles e.g. JOB-9.


If you would like to continue using this aggregation, this can be achieved by using a Join Data source rather than an AQS Query Data source.

Expected Release Date

30th September 2021