ApplicableTypes endpoint update 🛑

The ApplicableTypes API endpoint (Swagger, ReDoc) can add and remove associations between specific activity designs and asset designs.

We’re updating this endpoint so that you can perform multiple “Applies to” operations in one go. This’ll make it possible to associate multiple work items with multiple jobs in a single API call!

However, the update will introduce a minor breaking change to prepare for.

Who will be affected?

Users and implementations that add or remove applicable types via the Alloy API.


The following endpoints have a from parameter that currently accepts a single ApplicableFromWebModelBase model:

  • Add applicable types – POST /api/applicable-type
  • Remove applicable types – DELETE /api/applicable-type

After the release date, the from parameter will require an array of ApplicableFromWebModelBase models, even if you’re only supplying one.

Expected release

25th July 2024 as part of the Alloy v2.61 release.

Street Manager v4 Support 🚧


For those of you using Alloy to interact with the government's Street Manager service, an important transition is coming up.

In May 2022, the Department of Transport released v4.0 of the Street Manager API. Since then, they've continued to maintain endpoints for both v3 and v4.

While v3 isn't being decommissioned until May/June 2023, the legislative changes in v4 will come into force on 1st April 2023, effectively compelling all users to make the switch.

Therefore, we're updating Alloy to support the current v4.15 specification ahead of this deadline.

Who will be affected

This change will affect anyone using Alloy Web or Alloy Mobile to interact with the Street Manager service.


Fortunately, there are only a few changes to learn about!

New permit conditions

  • NCT09d - Changes to traffic management arrangements APPLIES TO ALL MAJOR PERMITS on Category 0, 1, and 2 streets only.
  • NCT03 – Activities ancillary to those permitted – supplementary information.

For more detail, see the Statutory guidance for highway authorities.

New Traffic Management type

A new TM Carriageway Restriction Type will be available: Temporary obstruction 15 minute delay.

Footpath Closure

A new Foothpath Closure attribute will be mandatory for all permit requests.

Emergency Contact Name and Number

New Emergency Contact Name and Emergency Contact Number attributes will be optional for most permit requests, unless the chosen Traffic Management type is Multi Way Signals or Two Way Signals.

Expected Release

30th March 2023 as part of the Alloy v2.45 release.

Mesh Open API Support and Deprecations


In order to improve the accessibility of Alloy Meshes, we will be adding support for Open API JSON and endpoint documentation. Following a detailed review of the exposed endpoints and data models, we will also be acting to implement the following deprecations to provide better consistency between naming and conventions with the Alloy Core, Extended and Forge API's. Finally, we will be making changes to the way in which the security token is passed to the Meshes to improve security. 

Security token to be removed from query string

We will no longer be accepting the token parameter which represents an Alloy API token on the query string, this should be passed via the HTTP headers in all future requests using the same key of token.

Example CURL before:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:3000/aws-iot/update-device?itemId=abc?token=123' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \

Example CURL after:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:3000/aws-iot/update-device?itemId=abc' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'token: 123' \

MeshResponseWithItemWebModel renames property itemResponse to item

The following meshes are expected to return a response which includes an item payload under the property itemResponse.

  • alloy-push-mayrise-notice-mesh
  • json-push-alloy-mesh
  • telensa-fault-push-alloy-mesh

This property is being renamed to item but we will continue to return itemResponse until the date specified below for Phase 2. 

Example response before:

  "itemResponse": {
    "itemId": "af32ef...",

Example response after:

  "itemResponse": {
    "itemId": "af32ef...",
  // we will duplicate the data in the recommended item property
  "item": {
    "itemId": "af32ef...",

Risk calculation mesh to remove itemsResponse property

The risk calculation mesh alloy-push-risk-calculation-mesh is removing the itemsResponse property as it was not correctly indicating the success of the response model, it isn't required and will therefore be removed as part of Phase 1 changes. 

When do these changes take effect?

The above changes will be rolled out in June 2021, with deprecations finally removed in January 2022 with the following expected release dates: 

Expected Release Date

Phase 1: June 24th 2021

Phase 2: February 24th 2022