Alloy September 2024 Update

Most of this month's improvements are behind the scenes 🛠️. While there aren't any visible changes or new features to speak of, there have been significant improvements to Alloy's underlying engine.

In particular, Alloy's Task Executor has been worked on for over three weeks! The Task Executor monitors and juggles all the queued tasks (e.g. workflows, imports, bulk actions) to ensure they're performed efficiently, and that problematic tasks don't bring things to a standstill.

With more people using Alloy than ever before, the number and size of tasks has grown considerably, especially during peak times! 🥵

Therefore, the Task Executor has been upgraded to dynamically scale itself up and down in response to the current workload. Extra workers can be made available when things get busy. When things quieten down, workers can be shut down gracefully without interrupting any tasks in progress.

Bottom line: you should see increased reliability and performance in Alloy going forward!

The update took place during the evening of the 26th September. For a full list of changes in v2.63, please visit the Alloy Changelog.