ApplicableTypes endpoint update ๐Ÿ›‘

The ApplicableTypes API endpoint (Swagger, ReDoc) can add and remove associations between specific activity designs and asset designs.

We’re updating this endpoint so that you can perform multiple “Applies to” operations in one go. This’ll make it possible to associate multiple work items with multiple jobs in a single API call!

However, the update will introduce a minor breaking change to prepare for.

Who will be affected?

Users and implementations that add or remove applicable types via the Alloy API.


The following endpoints have a from parameter that currently accepts a single ApplicableFromWebModelBase model:

  • Add applicable types – POST /api/applicable-type
  • Remove applicable types – DELETE /api/applicable-type

After the release date, the from parameter will require an array of ApplicableFromWebModelBase models, even if you’re only supplying one.

Expected release

25th July 2024 as part of the Alloy v2.61 release.